Application designed for the rapid calculation of likelihood ratios (LRs) using STRmix™ deconvolutions.
DBLR™, developed by the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), is an application specifically designed to calculate millions of LRs – in a matter of seconds. Through this application, forensic analysts can identify expected ranges from different hypotheses – and can determine if the sample is suitable for comparison.
In order to calculate LRs efficiently and effectively, DBLR™ is used in conjunction with STRmix™, an innovative forensic software tool also developed by ESR. DBLR™ conducts rapid calculation of LRs using STRmix™ deconvolutions. Watch a short video introducing DBLR!

DBLR™ performs the following functions:
- Visualizes the value of DNA mixture evidence by calculating expected LRs for true and non-contributors using randomly generated individuals
- Achieves quick database searches
- Undertakes mixture-to-mixture matches
- Calculates any kinship relationship conceivable (including modelling of linkage, mutation and FST)
- Assigns Kinship LRs for single source NGS profiles
- Manages automated searches for one or many DNA profiles against one or many databases of known individuals. Now includes direct matching between databases
- Calculates thousands of LRs and plots them into a comprehensive diagram
- Carries out familial searching for a range of different relationships
- Conducts automated searches for one or multiple DNA profiles against databases of known individuals
- Determines the profiles of the most likely contributors
- Directly compares one or many components of a forensic mixture to a database of known individuals
- Runs on users’ PCs without high-speed computing
- Searches for common distributors between mixed DNA profiles
- Uses databases of known contributors and STRmix™ deconvolutions for matching purposes
- Works with efficient algorithms to generate fast calculations of LRs
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Suite 714-G
Akron, OH 44311