Expert forensic software that can resolve previously unresolvable mixed DNA profiles. Developed by global leaders in the field, it uses a fully continuous approach for DNA profile interpretation, resolving complex DNA mixtures worldwide.
Forensic analysts need software that can efficiently and effectively interpret mixed DNA profiles. This software also must be accessible, cutting-edge and trusted by industry leaders.
Developed by the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), STRmix™ uses biological modeling and mathematical processes to resolve complex DNA mixtures. By utilizing likelihood ratios (LRs) to quantify evidence for a hypothesis in a continuous approach, STRmix™ delivers faster, more accurate responses.
STRmix™ has been used to interpret DNA evidence in more than 380,000 cases internationally. It is currently used by 75% of the U.S. forensic analyst market, 70% of the Canadian market, and is now considered the Australasian standard for DNA interpretation.
Additionally, there have been at least 80 successful admissibility hearings for STRmix™ in the U.S. STRmix™ also achieved Certificate of Networthiness (CoN) status on the United States Army Network and the New Zealand Prime Minister’s Science Prize award in 2018.

- Batch Mode – Runs multiple deconvolutions and other STRmix™ functions in a queue, which allows users to operate workflow sequentially
- Hd true tester tool – Gives users the ability to perform many specificity tests via computer simulation for individual DNA profiles
- Investigation Batch tool – Allows users to calculate multiple LRs from multiple reference inputs or databases to previously run deconvolutions
- User interface – Provides users with usability and workflow options
- Visualise Weights Module – graphically represents the genotypes and weights generated to help analysts investigate the interpretation
STRmix™ also performs the following functions:
- Assigns an LR varying the number of contributors under the prosecution and defence propositions.
- Undertakes quality checks for data.
- Sets the number of major contributors to a mixed DNA profile you are interested in and obtains an LR only for these
- Batches multiple deconvolutions or other STRmix™ functions (such as Interpretation, LR from Previous, and Database Search) in a queue, allowing the user to run multiple deconvolutions and calculate LRs sequentially
- Instantly sets up interpretations with flexible likelihood ratio propositions for a plate of profiles using Batch Maker
- Combines multiple amplifications of the same DNA extract into one interpretation, even when generated with different multiplexes
- Carries out familial searches against a database, searching for close relatives of contributors to mixed DNA profiles
- Models any type of stutter observed within your STR profiling kit, now including improved dropout modelling allowing analysis of DNA profiles with a low, or even no analytical threshold.
- Compares reference DNA profiles to single source and mixed DNA profiles and provides a statistical weighting
- Generates fully configurable reports (and if required, retrospective) reports including a CODIS report
- Enters contributor number range when performing a deconvolution
- Accommodates data generated by protocols demonstrating increased stochastic variation and non-zero allelic drop-in rates, for example elevated PCR cycle number and enhanced CE injection methods
- Includes related individuals as alternate propositions in the LR
- Interprets DNA profiling data generated by any autosomal STR profiling kit and from a range of starting template DNA concentrations
- Performs calculations suited for a laboratory’s specific settings
- Optionally utilises peak labelling probabilities in STRmix™ deconvolutions (an advanced feature for FaSTR™ DNA users)
- Searches a deconvoluted DNA profile directly against a database without the need to interpret a single source component
- Password protects default and kit settings

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526 South Main Street
Suite 714-G
Akron, OH 44311